Human Potential & The Strive For Greatness


In my strive for greatness I put myself on ‘up-level overdrive’ for many years.

I did it because I wanted to win at life. So I built businesses. Several of them.

Why? Well, business is the coolest game around but it’s also the biggest challenge to one’s personal identity.

It’s a test of the deepest parts of you to RISE.

It’s a call to be better, to create, produce, innovate, impact and prosper.

In that call, we come face to face with our limitations which are all backed by one thing...


It shows up uniquely for each one of us. Maybe one calls it procrastination, while another lack of motivation or the inability to take action.

Regardless of its name, fear inhibits the higher level thinking mind.

It hinders us from accessing the higher levels of our human potential. It hijacks our ability to make clear decisions or follow through with ideas. It halts our up-leveling.

But it must be overcome and in that overcoming, we take a step up.

We achieve something we would not have otherwise.

Our potential has expanded and we want more, way more, so we keep building.

This was my overdrive—consistently building while insatiably consuming knowledge.

But then I tapped into a whole other level of experiencing life which was not doing anything at all, just getting to BE me without trying, without constant striving.

A decompression. A relaxing into myself, a slowing of time—where life by design is created.

This is where I realized we get to design this reality of who we are and who we want to become.

That life, that greatness, is a sweet dance between doing + being, producing + prospering, science + spirit, energy + matter.

We get to achieve greatness, yes, but also something much greater which is actualizing the highest levels of our human potential.

Here is where I live now, but not in overdrive.

In vibration, in alignment, in flow, abundance, creation, forward movement, where brilliance and intelligence is expanded.

All by using the power of the mind, which is our greatest asset, our greatest technology.

We can electrically wire thoughts together to create and design life to work for us.

The mind uses the brain to DESIGN itself, to create itself. This is where human potential is actualized….in the mind.

It drives our entire being. It connects us with higher consciousness, higher levels of thinking.

It’s an intangible and limitless source that regulates the FLOW of information and energy within the tangible brain.


We have the wiring to make everything intentional.

We all know that being human can be challenging. It takes work to maintain who we are in the upper vibrational frequencies where joy, abundance and prosperity live. At times it feels like a fight to stay out of low base energies like fear, poverty consciousness, and self doubt.

So it must be a daily practice, a recommitment to our dream of who we want to BE and become.

There are many ways to practice maintaining and up-leveling:

The practice of gratitude alone every day will change your life immensely. Sitting in gratitude for 2 minutes and 30 seconds creates a physiological change within us. It draws more into our experience, more to be grateful for.

It’s all vibrational. It’s emotional. Our thoughts turn into beliefs that create the energy that vibrates a frequency that holds us in our reality.

But we have a technology at our disposal to change our reality at any time, that helps us in this work so we can truly live lives filled with prosperity, acheivement and high vibrational living.

It allows us to play, to create, innovate, and design—a better you, a better life, a better business and innovation.

The upper echelon of your mind, reflected out to create your life and everything in it.

On purpose, by design.

Where we activate more of our potential because our neurons connect and activate each other which sparks brain potential, which changes our energy state.

90% of this is mindset—growth mindset, success mindset, achievement mindset, personal vision, the pursuit of excellence. Mindset shifts our vibration and frequency.



(If this is the case, why do schools teach to the left brain?)

When the brain works as it was designed, at its highest levels while creating new neural pathways, results expand and our human potential is actualized.

This is neuroscience and it can be applied to any area of your life you want to up-level, change, and transform.

Imagine what you are capable of—what you can achieve and receive!

I can assure you, it is far more than you can even comprehend.

There are new possibilities awaiting you, new intuition, news ways of thinking, the flow of ideas, innovation, creativity, higher levels of consciousness, and the ability to produce at peak performance.

You have the greatest technology in the world right inside of you and there is almost nothing that can stop you from transforming, up-leveling, becoming the person you want with the results you desire and having the experience of life that you crave.

The only thing that can get in your way is your own self. This happens to all of us and it’s why we must at times force ourselves to do the thing we most need and want.

I still do this. I did it just the other day.

I recently had a large piece of skin cancer removed from from the center of my face. I have a long and unsightly scar down the length of my nose. The recovery has been challenging. I missed the last 3 weeks of the one of the best ski seasons we’ve had in years. I couldn’t exercise due to the stitches and I didn’t want to be seen. My work had to be paused—which entails being seen daily.

Let’s just say I did some serious bingewatching. I started to feel sorry for myself and I dropped my daily meditations and had to put yoga on hold. When I was allowed to begin again, I didn’t want to. The month long low fest had done its damage.

I could have stayed in this place but it’s not in my nature to stay down for long. I forced myself to practice yoga and start exercising again. I reignited my daily gratitude practice and work in the quantum and shifted my entire energy state.

It felt like a light switch being flicked in my brain and I was suddenly my motivated, happy, driven self again.

If I hadn’t forced myself to do it, I might still be in my pajamas.

Ultimately, it’s what we ALLOW in our lives—our behavior, our habits, our resignation that this is how we’ve always been. We allow fear to keep us from forward movement.

But there is another option:

We can fight for ourselves. We can allow change.

The change ignites the neurons in our brain, which then connect with other neurons to create pathways that bring a new result, a new reality, a new energy state. And the things we desire start to show up.

Are you ready to allow this exponential change? Are you willing to fight for yourself?

I’m here to inspire you to up-level, to DARE to BE the person you came here to be, to actualize the highest levels of your human potential. Why? I do it because I wanted it for myself first and now I want to build a new world, one where prosperity and high vibrational living reins.

So what will you do TODAY to ignite the change that actualizes your potential?